Francsoft Construction Company Ltd
From conception to creation, where your dream is implemented
Francsoft Construction Company Limited, PVT-MKUMLPP is a wholly Kenyan-owned company under Companies Act 2015. We are committed to offering our customers quality, affordable and modern services for their projects. From state-of-the-art architectural solutions to simple structural engineering, we are company showing a lot of difference. We believe in leveraging latest technology, matching pricing with quality and banking on greatest minds in our team of experts. Working with us is not only comfortable but also life changing as we bring to life amazing buildings, construction projects and finishes.

Official Contact
Official Name: Francsoft Construction Co. Ltd
Address: P.O. Box 27—20117, Naivasha
Location: Lancaster Plaza, Suite 20, 1st Floor
Telephone: +254(0)723– 918354
Send Us a Quote Request
We will be happy to hear from you about your construction needs. Send us a quote request today and we will get back to you.